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Freitag, 28. August 2015


Marklohe hat einen neuen Skatepark!
Er ist sauber, er ist gepflegt und er ist vor allem gut ausgestattet!
Sollte für jeden was dabei sein...wer Interesse hat:
Der Park befindet sich direkt neben der Realschule in Marklohe am JAM Jugendhaus.
Man munkelt das Marklohe sogar einen zweiten Skatepark besitzt...den werde ich dieses Wochenende mal suchen...denn: die munkenden lügen nicht!

Camaret 2.0 or In die Fresse-Rap, Jetz gibs Heckmeck

Once upon a time, there were 4 good-looking guys who wanted to go on holiday.
The decided to go to Camaret sur Mer, which still is the most beautiful place on earth.
After 14 hours of straight driving we arrived, the weather was rainy and the French still spoke French like the year before. 
Problem was: Tobi was only present with his body...but his brain seemed to be at another place, so nobody spoke French which seemed to be a problem!
But at last it wasn`t at all, French people can be very nice!
But now let me tell the important facts:
The first days were not this good for surfing or beeing in France at all! The weather was fucked up and the waves were very small. But at the end of the journey, the waves went up to 2,30m and every wave you missed was like a punch in the face.
I think the following pictures talk a clear language! 
 Camaret sur Mer (Plage de Penhat)
 Baywatch 2.0
 Gusto surfing
 Pengu surfing


Unfortunately there is a rumor that the skatepark in beautiful Steimbke is beset by "asocial people" who only smoke and drink alcohol. This might be true. The people there smoke and sometimes drink alcohol, but I don`t think that they do this because they are "weird" or something, they do this because they don´t have a clue what to do with their time. I gave them an idea and chalk. They coloured the whole skatepark.
As you can see, the people are bored, not weird, so give them an idea, they will follow!